As I write this I am sitting at the laundromat at Blackpoint Settlement, about 60 miles north of the edge of the cruiser's world, Georgetown. I feel much safer here, a bit further away from the sea monsters which were sure to snatch Magic into their abyss just south of the island of Great Exuma! Diane and I plan to be here for 2 days for laundry (very convenient with their own dingy dock!) and to decompress a bit from the hub-bub of Gtown. From here it's a further run north to check out a couple spots we missed on the way down and then rejoin our buddy boat Veritas and turn east for Eleuthera.
Since I was unable to get photos to upload to this blog last time, and
as promised, basically the rest of this blog will be a bunch of photos
we took both in Farmer's Cay and GTown. I hope you enjoy them!
Exploring the semi-fresh water cave at Oven Rock, Great Guana Cay. Beautiful with great swimming, including a 700' underground "pool" off to the left of the photo. |
Magic pet "Solomon" had a very bad night playing "Farkle" and obviously drank WAAAy too much wine! |
"Magic" Dance party. Pat, Patty, Laura, Jennings did their best to spell YMCA! |
Start of the Farmer's Cay 5F Festival "C" Class race. Boats start from anchor, rapidly pull it up while raising their sail and then take off! |
Just after the start of the race. Winds are blowing 30 mph and within just a few minutes, one of these boat filled with water, swamped, and sank! No one was hurt...except a bit of pride! |
Waterspout just over the hill from our anchorage at Stocking Island, Georgetown. Luckily, it passed without incident. | |
Diane hams it up at P&P. This bar in GTown has been there forever and is one of the oldest restaurants/B&B's in the town. Great place with a wonderful history catering to cruisers! |
Tim on "Volleyball Beach" on Stocking Island. Markers with distance to lots of cruiser's home ports. |
Dingy entrance to "Lake" Victoria in GTown. Kind of tricky getting in when the tidal current is running, but worth it for free dockage and water! |
Conch blowing "concert" on Volleyball Beach. It was a HOOT!! Supposedly you can find it on You Tube! |
Sand Dollar anchorage on Stocking Island. Magic somewhere in there! Wonderful trails and beach. |
Volley Ball Beach. Center of all cruiser's activities on Stocking Island |
I think Honey Buns are a recognized food group in the Bahamas! Literally every store with any groceries carries them. This was in a tiny store with just a few items offered, and I saw a truckload delivered! |
Shrimp lunch at "Eddies Edgewater" restaurant in GTown. Great food, free internet and once a week a BBQ/"Rake-n-Scrape" (local music) evening event. |
Well, I'm now all caught up on photos of Farmer's Cay and Georgetown. I hope they give you a flavor of what it was like. I will add a new blog in a few days once we get decent internet access.
Still havin' fun!
Hey Tim and Diane...just flew into MIA nd was thinking about you. Glad you are able to keep the blog up so we know how much fun you're having. Let me know when you turn north for the trip home and maybe catch up with you. Baker