Thursday, November 15, 2012


Anchored in the village of Southport
  After 3 days of relaxing at anchor and walking their beautiful beaches, we finally broke away from Wrightsville Beach and traveled the ICW down to the Cape Fear River and then to Southport, NC. The anchorage was incredibly small, but there was just enough room for us to “raft up” to Peaceful Easy Feeling and explore this equally small town. Turns out this place has been the setting for something like a dozen movies and television shows (Dawson’s Creek, Crimes of the Heart, etc.). Very quaint. The female crews of both boats found every gift and antique shop in town while us guys followed like obedient pets!
  There is an old saying on the Chesapeake Bay that goes something like; “…there are those who have run aground and…liars!” Well, I’ve run aground on the bay, and now, on the ICW. Just north of Myrtle Beach, we were trying to turn into a channel leading to a marina where a part for our refrigerator was waiting when we stopped...hard aground. No amount of wheel twisting or throttle positions would budge us even though deep water was literally 3’ away! Luckily, my new hero, Bob Oats on “Peaceful Easy Feeling” was right there and after a few minutes of pulling, got us off this uncharted (I swear!) shoal. Needless to say, I decided to figure out a way to go back to get the part!
  Magic is now in a part of the ICW where tides and currents rule! During our run from Southport, without changing our engines settings at all, we saw speeds over the ground anywhere from 4-10+ knots! This is all from the strong currents which run along the waterway and really keep the skipper on his toes! We’ve got a couple hundred more miles of this until we are into the northern part of Florida, so I might as well get used to it and try to plan our day’s runs with the current at our backs.
This ICW bridge actually
opened when we first called!
  One of the most frustrating parts of cruising along the ICW are the numerous low bridges which must open to allow us to pass. Some only open on a set schedule and if you are wait! Others open "on demand"...most of the time. Friends of ours were delivering a boat along the ICW a few years ago and as they approached a bridge they called; "...___bridge, do you open on a schedule, or on demand?" Not missing a beat, the female bridge operator replied on the radio; "...Captain, this bridge opens ON REQUEST, not demand!" Ouch!!
  We are now at a marina in Myrtle Beach, S.C. watching the temperatures fall and wind increase. Even the golfers are staying home! Not supposed to be like this…it’s supposed to be getting warmer as we continue south! Stay tuned!!!

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