Diane and I had a wonderful Thanksgiving “on the hook” in
Beaufort, SC. We were missing our family, friends and especially our Golden
Retriever Cruzer, but managed to have a great time, ate WAY TOO MUCH, watched
way too much football (Go PATS!), and fell asleep way too early!
For maybe the first time on this
journey, Diane allowed me to handle cooking chores (to be honest, I’ve enjoyed
her doing the cooking and since I had no idea where everything was in the
galley, that was probably best!) and I cooked a real turkey and made sage
stuffing, mashed potatoes, and even our favorite creamed onions! Diane insisted on contributing, so she heated up a couple cans of corn and peas!
At 3:30 pm, by prior arrangement with many of
our sailing friends near and far, we toasted all and gave thanks for our good fortune.
Getting here
was just a bit of a chore. I’m I sounding like a broken record yet? Just wait
till we get to Georgia! Leaving Charleston, we again joined the ICW as it wound
(and I mean wound!) its way through the low country toward Beaufort. We were
lucky, even though currents were a bit contrary and channels tricky at times,
we made the 63 miles in just over 9 hours.
Unfortunately, the anchorage we preferred was just beyond a
swing bridge that would not open until well after sunset so we opted for a
small creek a bit prior to the bridge.
Although we were secure and relatively protected, on
Thanksgiving Day we decided to pull the hook up and move past the swing bridge
to the “downtown” Beaufort anchorage. I’m glad we did. Although we are much
closer to the channel and get bounced around just a bit by the wakes of passing
vessels, the holding is great and we are only a minute or so from the town
dingy dock with access to all the shopping and eating establishments of the

The two
Beaufort’s we have visited (the one in NC is pronounced BOFORT, in SC is is
BEAUfort) have both been gems. Both have tons of places to go for shopping,
food, and touring around some absolutely beautiful homes. Late today we went
ashore, and stuck our heads into just about every shop in the town! If that
wasn’t bad enough, Diane then insisted we throw a Frisbee around…I suck at
Frisbee! Of course, Diane wasn’t much better!! Tonight we are going to dingy
back into town…and paint it pink!
Diane and I
are very thankful for the family, friends and “former” co-workers who have sent
us their good wishes the past couple days. Our adventure is not quite 3 weeks
old and we have already seen so much of this country that at least for me were just dots 30,000 feet below. Next stop...Hilton Head!
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